The University of Jordan
  • 07 - Aug
  • 2022

UJ's 57th Graduation Ceremony Kicks off

The University of Jordan (UJ) fifty-seventh graduation ceremonies' week kicked off on Friday, July 30.

About 1,000 students from the School of Arts marched across the university stadium to receive their degrees during the first day of the ceremonies.

Dean of the School, Prof. Ismail Al-Zyoud, congratulated the graduats and their families after the ceremony, saying, "We are cheerful to see all today reaping the rewards of your hard work", commending their persistence and determination over the past years.
This year, the university will celebrate the graduation of nearly 9800 students from various disciplines, programs, and degree levels.
The graduation ceremony will be broadcast live on the official website of the university, which can be accessed via the following link:
And on the UJ Radio / 94.9 MHz.
Photos from the graduation ceremonies will be posted on the university's official Facebook page: