The University of Jordan

Success Stories

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A Jordanian Entrepreneur,, chairman and member of the boards of directors of several Jordanian companies primarily involved in the services, tourism and renewable energy sectors. Contributed to the establishment of many programs concerned with empowering Jordanian youth economically and socially in all governorates of the Kingdom, partner and founder of several Jordanian and international brands such as (Firefly Burger, Shawarma Shanab, and Salwara Al-Shahba Sweets.) where these brands own tens of branches in the field of food, drink, sweets and services In the continents of Asia, Europe, Africa, America, Canada and Australia, in addition to being the founder of the Stars of Determination initiative concerned with the involvement of people with Down syndrome in the Jordanian labor market.​


·         Ph.D. in International Business Administration
 – Cyprus International University - Cyprus

·         MA in International Business Administration - University of    Bedfordshire - Britain 2019

·         BA in Civil Engineering - University of Jordan - Jordan 2010