The University of Jordan

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Ahmad Fareed Al Saif

Ahmad with his team succeeds in implementing Alefredo Edtech mission in the EdTech industry in Jordan and Mena as a digital platform for school students of all grades, offering supporting educational material, interactive mock exams and a used-books marketplace for academic books, available in digital format as well, with seven digits valuation of the company.​

Recipients of Several National and International Awards in innovation and entrepreneurship from UNDP, the Embassy of Switzerland in Jordan and Plan International, and the 30under30 Unicorn Award and Social Enterprise Award 2021.

Ahmad holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Jordan (2011) And an MSc in Business Administration/Marketing from the University of Jordan (2019), with ten years of experience in the Private Sector with Izzat Marji Group and Total Jordan in Renewable energy and Commercial departments.

Previously, Founder of Jo Drive (Car Pooling Application)(2015 - 2018), in addition to 7 years of experience in Eco-System and startups business in Jordan and Mena.​