The University of Jordan

Ju Talks

JU talks

Introducing JU Talks, an exciting initiative by the alumni office celebrating the extraordinary achievements of our distinguished alumni! These visionary pioneers have made significant contributions to society, and we’re thrilled to offer them a platform to share their inspiring success stories, accomplishments, and the pivotal role the University of Jordan played in their lives.

JU Talks invites a diverse group of graduates to campus to share their remarkable experiences with our students. This dynamic and interactive platform allows students to connect with accomplished professionals, gaining invaluable insights and inspiration that will help shape their future careers.

As the University of Jordan continues to lay a strong foundation for its students, JU Talks acts as a vibrant bridge, connecting our outstanding graduates with the next generation of leaders and innovators. Don’t miss this opportunity to be inspired and empowered by the stories of those who have walked these halls before you!

Naser Al-Saleh-JU talks-Episode 1


Maha Al-Baho -JU talks- Episode 2


Laila Rasas -Ju Talks -Episode 3


Alumni Success Stories-Part one